Rao's "The Saucery"

Source: Raos.com

I always say that a brand is an experience … a valuable emotional connection that goes beyond the actual product or service offered. If so, then Rao’s (as in the pasta sauce) is a brand.

The brand recently launched a fully immersive experience store in NY called “The Saucery” which honestly takes a page from the mega-store Eataly. Cooking demos. Discounts. Limited-edition sauces. Swag. Celebrity appearances. Give-aways. Sweepstakes to visit. Every tool in the tool kit, as we say! It is a pop up so it’s gone and went, but you can read about it here.

But have no fear, there’s an online version of The Saucery too. Coming from this brand, of course there is! The virtual tour is pretty cool!

Well done, Rao’s. I’m personally a fan for sure, but you just elevated my connection with you. Which is exactly the point of delivering an experience. And being a brand. THIS is how you go from being a jar of pasta sauce to being a brand.

For your brand … what’s your experience? JIM