So This Is An Ally #Pride

Source: My friend Tommy

It’s Pride month once again, and I feel like every year it takes on a slightly different meaning. A different curve. A different perspective. I wrote earler about how it’s all about love this year … love conquering hate. True. But we can’t do that alone. We need allies.

We hear lots of people talk about wanting to be an ally. I too want to be an ally for other groups, and sometimes I struggle to know exactly what to do to be an ally. I struggle because I don’t want to just talk about being an ally, I want to actually do something that makes me an ally. I know a lot of people want to do the same. They want to BE an ally, not just talk about being one.

Enter my friend Tommy from grade school and high school and beyond. He is an ally without even trying. Let me explain.

Almost ten years ago I wrote a book about my journey as a father, specifically as a gay father. Tommy was among the first of my friends (he was one of my first friends after all) to embrace the book and then years later, without any prompting from me, worked his magic to make sure that my book was in the multiple public libraries in our home town.

He literally took my book across town to the multiple locations and convinced them to put my book on their library shelves. Without me ever asking him. Without ever asking for any thanks or asking for any public affirmation.

Can. you believe that?!?

That IS an ally. A true ally. A sincere ally. A humble ally.

Thank you Tommy. You are an inspiration for the type of ally that I want to be for others. And hopefully it’s because of you that another generation of folks will read my book and feel comfortable being who they are. Happy Pride.

What’s your experience? JIM