Pi Kappa Alpha for Pride Month

Source: My personal email

When I was in college, I was proudly a member of the Pi Kappa Alpha fraternity at Cornell University. Proud because the House gave me the chance to have experiences of a lifetime and to build relationships of a lifetime. Most of which are still alive and well to this very day, albeit now through the lens of a very busy adult life.

But when I was in college, I did not have a good understanding of who I was. I carried on following societal norms for a guy my age, and thought nothing of it to be honest. It wasn’t until years later when I felt my life falling apart that I took a moment to get to know my real self and what my real self needs to be happy and productive.

So I came out to myself first, and then to the rest of my world. With great fear, as you can imagine.

At the time I feared how my fraternity brothers would react and I feared that coming out would change all of those relationships. I should have feared not, because each and every one of them embraced my journey and accepted me as they always had accepted me. It was a gift that continues to give.

So you can imagine my sheer delight when I received one of the many regular emails from the Pi Kappa Alpha headquarters wishing us all a happy Pride Month. Never ever would I have even thought I’d see this day back in the day. And even when I came out, I never thought I’d see this kind of welcoming belonging from a fraternity or any other organization for that matter. Particularly one that matters to me so much.

I’m beaming. Beaming with delight, with Pride, and with love for all the relationships I built via this amazing group of people. Brothers.

Thank you. What’s your experience? JIM