Playlist for #Pride #MusicMonday

Source: Spotify

I spent the weekend doing a lot of projects around the house and also catching up on some work work, so I had an endless stream of music playing … I think I sampled a Pride Playlist from virtually every source. Pandora, Sonos, Spotify, etc, etc, etc. It was actually loads of fun.

Billboard Magazine ran a list of the Top 70 LGBTQ+ Anthems of all time. Not sure why they picked the number 70, but the list is pretty exhaustive and relatively consistent with the streams I listened to over the weekend.

Here are my favorites from the list from a Pride POV.

First is a classic from Cyndi Lauper which clearly speaks to each of us merely just being ourselves. Cyndi starts her farewell tour this year and I’m sure this is on the set list!

No Pride playlist would be complete without this song from Diana Ross, literally THE coming out anthem.

Then there’s this club classic which from day one was a Pride cult hit.

What’s the #1 song on Billboard’s Pride list? One of my own favorites of all time, Pride or otherwise. I have to agree on it being #1 … it’s “Born This Way” from Lady Gaga but of course. Born this way all day every day especially today.

Lots of fun! Happy Pride!

What’s your experience? JIM