“I Am: Celine Dion” #MusicMonday

This weekend I watched the Celine Dion documentary about her recent health struggles. I’m a casual fan and I’m also a healthcare marketer so I was intrigued to watch. And I’ve watched a lot of the promo interviews so I was hooked into tuning in.

But I have to say that I found it very difficult to find someone who is so positive and so motivated and so in touch with her gift to be in such agony. Whether you are a fan or not, you have to admire her talent and her determination so to watch a healthcare crisis almost take her down is just difficult to witness. I was in pain watching her in pain and hearing her describe her pain.

But wow, what a story. A motivating story of working through the pain, staying true to your talent, and never ever letting yourself or your audience down … and using that as your motivator. A wow, truly.

So, in honor of #MusicMonday, I’m going to post one of my favorite Celine songs … a cover of a Cyndi Lauper song that Celine did for a car commercial that then the DJs remixed for the clubs. To my great delight back in the day. This is the song I hear in my heart and my head when I think of “I Am: Celine Dion.”

Thank you for your gifts, Celine. Stay strong. Stay true. Stay Celine.

What’s your experience? JIM